• Literary contest - 2019


    Once a famous English prose writer, the translator of the creations of Homer, Alexander Pope rightly said: "Power of the mind is reached by exercise, not rest." What can we say about the Jewish mind? Of course, it's an ocean of talent, wit, subtlety and the ability to convey your gift in such a way that the listener feels like the bow in the hands of a talented author, lead on a violin of his creation and giving the inviting music of words.

    So, our dearest friends, wards, volunteers, colleagues, partners... our wonderful talents of Hesed! We decided to follow an old Jewish tradition - to show your capabilities and to present them to the world. Because among us there are not only thoughtful readers and fastidious critic, but also a big quantity of wonderful writers working in different genres of literature! It is you – the intellectual core of our large family. You are creating the fabric of time into which are woven strands of pearl strings created by you in your favorite Hesed. So we decided to invite you to write together a Book of the life of our Hesed: we propose to carry out in your friends circle a literary contest "Music of words".

    The essence of the contest is quite simple. You send us till 1st November 2019 your literary works. A small amount of text – to 3 pages (font – Times New Roman, 12, spacing – 1). We give full freedom of expression to our authors and not limit them by genres. But the general ethical requirements for text are still applicable: the text must not contain appeals to violence, racism, chauvinism, bullying, aggression, profanity, advertising of products and services.

    Every week, we will be happy to publish on our website and pages in social networks your work (or its part), retaining all copyrights. Thus, your wise, funny, sincere thoughts, couched in poetry or prose, will be seen by a huge number of admirers.

    The competent jury will appreciate your works, taking into account reader’s feedback, and we will organize a fun rewarding our dear writers with diplomas and valuable gifts!

    Participation in our project is FREE of CHARGES!

    To become a member of our literary contest, you need to write us to an email pr@kievhesed.org.ua. We will gladly send you an application form and answer all your questions. For those authors who prefer to use not the computer, but their "Golden feather", we will give out an application form via our supervisors. We want every one of you who like Cicero knows how to "attract a crowd of listeners, endear them, to direct and avert" to have the opportunity to unleash your talent. So you are welcome in our house – Hesed, the harbor of grace, love and creativity!

    See also
