
    Let’s prevent social exclusion of 25 persons with disabilities!


       donated 5493 uah

       still needed 194507 uah

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    In youth, full of optimism, energy and strength, we are sure that we will cope with life's circumstances. Do we overestimate ourselves? Of course not. That's why we have such fleeting, but eventful years! Love, career, overcoming troubles, disappointment and happiness, crises and victories ... how much each of us needs to experience and go through to come to the inevitable - eventually our health begins to fail us. Some people more or less cope with problems, but others are less fortunate in life - their fate is quite unenviable. Exhaustion, pain, operations, limited mobility ... and a limited circle of communication. Many of these people barely make ends meet: small pensions spent on treatment, utility bills and meager food. There is not even a question about buying a portable computer - a laptop or a tablet. I would somehow survive here, what a communication. Then a person in the most difficult situations comes to the aid of the ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel". The foundation is trying to help with sanitation materials, medicines and food, repair of small household appliances, and send a social worker who will pick up groceries, clean the apartment, and help take food. However, the social worker left, and the person remains alone in four walls. There, behind the walls, life rages. Somewhere, not far away or in another hemisphere, events are taking place that determine our future. Interesting events are held in Hesed, famous artists come ... and Jewish holidays, in which the soul asks to participate? And if your close relative lives in another country, but you haven't seen his face for several years?! How can you try to survive if you are alone and your heart is torn apart by pain?!

    It is for such people who are in social isolation - those who have not been outside for many years, do not have the opportunity to see with their own eyes the festive illumination of the city or to inhale the aroma of flowers in the garden flowerbed - we organized the targeted assistance project "Window to the World".

    Our goal is to prevent mental disorders and premature death caused by social isolation. Nevertheless, for this goal we have to provide with tablets 25 elderly with limited mobility and preserved intelligence. We want to make these people's dreams come true. People worthy of remaining socially active members of society in today's world. But without you, dear sponsors, friends, partners, patrons, we will not be able to implement our project!

    What can Hesed manage? Engage IT specialists on a volunteer basis to create a media library, as well as to teach elderly how to use tablets, constantly replenish the library, conduct video chats and even involve volunteer doctors who specialize in remote diagnostics. However, the issue of buying 25 tablets remains open - unfortunately, we cannot buy them. Therefore, we decided to hold various charity events, during which we collect donations, as well as to ask you for help via the Internet.

    The total amount of aid is UAH 200000. You aid can be provided in the form of financial support, as well as present a tablet to a specific patient from 25 wards, travel with us and present this long-awaited gift.

    Estimated collection dates are until December 31, 2025. We will be happy for any amount and any kind of help, understanding that such a large-scale project is not a matter of one day. If the project will not implemented fully, the rest of money will go to help with personal hygiene materials for these people. However, we are sure - all together we will be able to overcome difficulties and become wizards who return the beautiful world of communication to elderly people!

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    Amount (UAH)
    Mar 14, 2018
    LIQPAY ID 644555079 anonymous
    Mar 09, 2018
    LIQPAY ID 643336508 anonymous
    Mar 03, 2018
    LIQPAY ID 637097974 anonymous
    Mar 02, 2018
    LIQPAY ID 637094969 anonymous
    Mar 01, 2018
    LIQPAY ID 637093102 anonymous
    Nov 01, 2017
    LIQPAY ID 542348035 anonymous
    Oct 03, 2017
    Öäàêà, ñîáðàííàÿ íà ïðåçåíòàöèè áëàãîòâîðèòåëüíîé õóäîæåñòâåííîé âûñòàâêè õóäîæíèöû ßýëü
    Oct 01, 2017
    Öäàêà, ïåðåäàííàÿ ó÷àñòíèêàìè äðóãèõ ïðîåêòîâ